2025 McChargue, Dennis E., Bilal Khan, Jessica Phelps, *Patrick Duryea,
Kimberly A. Tyler, Arthur Andrews, Ellie Reznicek, Lucy Napper, Mohamed Saad, and Hsuan-Wei Lee. “The Feasibility of Utilizing the Open Dynamic Interaction Network (ODIN) App to Assess rEMA Data Across 30 Days Among Those Recovering from Alcohol Use Disorders.”
Alcohol and Drug Dependence Reports. Published Online December 9, 2024.
2024 Thach, Nguyen, Patrick Habecker, Bergen Johnston, Lillianna Cervantes, *Anika Eisenbraun, Alex Mason,
Kimberly Tyler, Bilal Khan, and Hau Chan. “Analyzing and Predicting Short-Term Substance Use Behaviors of Persons Who Use Drugs in the Great Plains of the U.S.”
PLOS ONE. Published Online November 27, 2024.
Tyler, Kimberly A., *Anika R. Eisenbraun, *Anna Synya, and *Madison Lloyd. “Familial and Individual Risk Factors, Sexual Assault, and Mental Health: A Comparison of Black, Hispanic, Asian, and White College Students.”
Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Published Online November 16, 2024.
2024 Kort-Butler, Lisa A.,
Kimberly A. Tyler, and *Cindy Mays. “Drug Use Stigma and Public Preferences for Public Health versus Legal System Responses.”
Journal of Drug Issues. Published Online April 20, 2024.
Tyler, Kimberly A., *Anika R. Eisenbraun, Patrick Habecker, and Bilal Khan. “A Feasibility and Acceptability Study Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to Evaluate Drug Use Patterns among Midwestern People who Use Drugs.”
Journal of Drug Issues. Published Online February 2, 2024.
Tyler, Kimberly A., and Colleen M. Ray. “PTSD Symptoms among College Students: Linkages with Familial Risk, Borderline Personality, and Sexual Assault.”
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 33(2): 127-145. Published Online March 8, 2024.
2023 Tyler, Kimberly A. "Comparison of Sorority and non-Sorority Women: Risks for Different Sexual Assault Types." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32(3): 340-358. Published online January 23, 2023.
2022 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Douglas A. Brownridge. "Family Violence, Personality Traits, and Risk Behaviors: Links to Dating Violence Victimization and Perpetration among College Students." Violence & Victims 37(5): 683-701. Published online August 16, 2022. DOI: 10.1891/VV-2021-0106.
2022 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Colleen M. Ray. "The Relationships between College Student Characteristics and Reporting Sexual Assault Experiences on Two Different Scales." Violence and Victims 37(4): 532-546.
2022 Kunitzer, Meagan L., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "Familial and Individual Risk Markers for Physical and Psychological Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization among College Students." Partner Abuse 13(3): 402-419.
2022 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Rachel M. Schmitz. "Multiple Forms of Violence in the Lives of Youth Experiencing Homelessness: Risk Factors and Outcomes." In Interpersonal Violence against Children and Youth. Hyeyoung Lim (Ed). Lexington Books.
2022 McGraw, Lora K., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "Risk Factors for Sexual Assault of Heterosexual and Sexual Minority College Women." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37(9-10): NP8032-NP8055. Published online November 28, 2020. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0886260520976224
2021 Tussey, Brian E., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "Poor Parenting, Attachment Style, and Dating Violence Perpetration among College Students." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(5-6): 2097-2116.
2021 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Rachel M. Schmitz. "Bullying at School and on the Street: Risk Factors and Outcomes among Homeless Youth." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(9-10).
2021 Ray, Colleen M., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "Risk Factors for Forced, Incapacitated, and Coercive Sexual Victimization among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Male and Female College Students." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36(5-6): 2241-2261.
2021 Young, Lance Brendan, Christine Timko, Dario Pulido, Kimberly A. Tyler, et al. "Sexual Trauma and Addiction Severity in Military Veterans with Substance Use Disorder." Journal of Loss and Trauma 26(2): 153-165.
2020 Novack, Luke M., Kimberly Gocchi Carrasco, Kimberly A. Tyler, Kirk Dombrowski, and Patrick Habecker. "Injection Opioid and Injection Methamphetamine Use in the Rural United States: A Systematic Review and Network Analysis. Journal of Drug Issues 50(2): 127-141.
2020 Young, L. Brendan, Christine Timko, R. Dario Pulido,
Kimberly A. Tyler, Cynthia Beaumont, and Kathleen Grant. "Traumatic Childhood Experiences and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Veterans in Substance Use Disorder Treatment."
Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Published online January 26, 2020.
Tyler, Kimberly A. and James D. Wright. "Homelessness and Sexual Assault." In Handbook of Sexual Assault and Sexual Assault Prevention, (pp. 693-707). William T. O'Donohue and Paul A. Schewe (Eds). Springer Nature Switzerland.
Tyler, Kimberly A. and Kristen Olson. "A Comparison of Frequency of Alcohol and Marijuana Use Using Short Message Service Surveying and Survey Questionnaires among Homeless Youth."
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse - Methods in Addiction Research Section. Published online December 3, 2019.
Tyler, Kimberly A., and Colleen M. Ray. "A Latent Class Analysis of Lifetime Victimization among Homeless Youth." J
ournal of Interpersonal Violence. Published Online March 7, 2019.
Tyler, Kimberly A., Kristen Olson, and Colleen M. Ray. "Short Message Service Surveying with Homeless Youth: Findings from a 30-Day Study of Sleeping Arrangements and Well-Being."
Youth & Society. Published Online February 22, 2019.
2019 Schmitz, Rachel M., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Brian Andrews. "'To Get the Word Out': LGBTQ+ Young Adults' Motivations for Participating in Qualitative Research Studies." Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services. Published Online February 20, 2019.
2019 Tussey, Brian E. and Kimberly A. Tyler. "Toward a Comprehensive Model of Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization." Violence and Victims 34(4).
Tyler, Kimberly A., and Rachel M. Schmitz. "Child Abuse, Mental Health and Sleeping Arrangements among Homeless Youth: Links to Physical and Sexual Street Victimization."
Children and Youth Services Review 95:327-333.
2018 Schmitz, Rachel M., and
Kimberly A. Tyler. "Life has Actually Become More Clear: An Exploration of Resilience among LGBTQ Young Adults."
Sexualities 22(4): 710-733. Published Online October 25, 2018.
DOI: 10.1177/1363460718770451
2018 Schmitz, Rachel M., and
Kimberly A. Tyler. "Contextual Constraints and Choices: Strategic Identity Management among LGBTQ Youth."
Journal of LGBT Youth. Published Online May 31, 2018.
2018 Tyler,Kimberly A., Kristen Olson, and *Colleen M. Ray. “Understanding the Link between Victimization and Alcohol Use among Homeless Youth Using an Ecological Momentary Assessment.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 4:1-7. Published Online June 6,2018.
2018 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Kristen M.Olson. "Examining the Feasibility of Ecological Momentary Assessment UsingShort Message Service Surveying with Homeless Youth: Lessons Learned." Field Methods 30(2):91-104. Published Online First April 16, 2018.
2018 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Rachel M. Schmitz. “Childhood Disadvantage, Social and Psychological Stress, and Substance Use among Homeless Youth: A Life Stress Framework.” Youth & Society. Published Online First March 29, 2018.
2018 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Rachel M. Schmitz. “A Comparison of Risk Factors for Various Forms of Trauma in the Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Heterosexual Homeless Youth.” Special issue: Sexuality and Trauma - Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 19(4):431-443. DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2018.1451971
2018 Grant, Kathleen M., Young, L. B., Kimberly A. Tyler, Jamie L. Simpson, Dario Pulido, & Christine Timko. “Intensive Referral to Mutual-Help Groups: A Field Trial of Adaptations for Rural Veterans.” Patient Education and Counseling 101(1):79-84
2017 Young, Lance Brendan, Kathleen M. Grant, Dario Pulido, Jamie L. Simpson, Kimberly A. Tyler, & Christine Timko. “Intensive Referral of Veterans to Mutual-Help Groups: A Mixed-Methods Implementation Evaluation.” Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly. Published online December 14, 2017. DOI: 10.1080/07347324.2017.1407224
2017 Tyler, Kimberly A., Rachel M. Schmitz, *Colleen M. Ray, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "The Role of Entitlement, Self-Control, and Risk Behaviors on Dating Violence Perpetration." Violence & Victims 32(6):1079-1095.
2017 Tyler, Kimberly A., Rachel M. Schmitz, Colleen M. Ray, Scott A. Adams, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "The Role of Protective Behavioral Strategies, Social Environment and Housing Type on Heavy Drinking among College Students." Substance Use & Misuse. Published online September 27, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10826084.2017.1363235
2017 Schmitz, Rachel M. and Kimberly A. Tyler. “The Complexity of Family Reactions to Identity among Homeless and College Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Young Adults.” Archives of Sexual Behavior. Online First: July 7, 2017. doi:10.1007/s10508-017-1014-5.
2017 Tyler, Kimberly A., Rachel M. Schmitz, and Colleen M. Ray. "Role of Social Environmental Factors on Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms among Midwestern Homeless Youth." Journal of Research on Adolescence. Published online May 31, 2017
2017 Schmitz, Rachel M. and Kimberly A. Tyler. “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Young Adults on the Street and on Campus: Identity as a Product of Social Context.” Journal of Homosexuality, Published online April 12, 2017
2017 Tyler, Kimberly A., Rachel M. Schmitz, and Scott A. Adams. "Alcohol Expectancy, Drinking Behavior, and Sexual Victimization among Female and Male College Students." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32(15):2298-2322.
2018 Reprinted in Victimology: A Text Reader 2nd Ed. (pp. 242-256). Leah E. Daigle (Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
2017 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Rachel M. Schmitz. “Using Cell Phones for Data Collection: Benefits, Outcomes, and Intervention Possibilities with Homeless Youth.” Children and Youth Services Review 76:59-64.
2017 Tyler, Kimberly A., Rachel M. Schmitz, Scott A. Adams, and Leslie Gordon Simons. "Social Factors, Alcohol Expectancy, and Drinking Behavior: A Comparison of Two College Campuses." Journal of Substance Use 22(4):357-364.
2016 Dombrowski,Kirk, Devan Crawford, Bilal Khan, and Kimberly Tyler. “Current Rural Drug Use in the U.S. Midwest.” Journal of Drug Abuse 2:22.DOI: 10.21767/2471-853X.100031
2016 Young, Lance Brendan, Christine Timko, Kimberly A. Tyler, and Kathleen Grant.“Trauma in Veterans with Substance Use Disorder: Similar Treatment Need among Urban and Rural Residents.” The Journal of Rural Health. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jrh.12199/full
2016 Tyler, Kimberly A., Ray Handema, Rachel M. Schmitz, Francis Phiri, Charles Wood, and Kristen Olson. “Risk Factors for HIV among Zambian Street Youth.”Journal of HIV/AIDS and Social Services. Online first: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15381501.2016.1138178
2016 Schmitz,Rachel M., and Kimberly A. Tyler.“Growing Up Before Their Time: The Early Adultification Experiences of Homeless Emerging Adults.” Children and Youth Services Review 64:15-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.02.026
2016 Tyler, Kimberly A., Ray Handema, Rachel M. Schmitz, Francis Phiri, Kourtney S. Kuyper, and Charles Wood. "Multi-Level Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use among Zambian Street Youth." Substance Use and Misuse. Published online May 4, 2016.
2016 Melander, Lisa A., Kimberly A. Tyler, and Rachel M. Schmitz. "An Inside Look at Homeless Youths’ Social Networks: Perceptions of Substance Use Norms." Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. Published online October 21, 2015. DOI:10.1080/1067828X.2014.918003
2016 Taillieu, Tamara L., Douglas A. Brownridge, Kimberly A. Tyler, Ko Ling Chan, Agnes Tiwari, and Susy C. Santos.“Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence in Canada: A Comparison of Victims Who Were and Were Not Abused During Pregnancy.” Journal of Family Violence, 31:567-579. DOI: 10.1007/s10896-015-9789-4
2015 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Rachel M. Schmitz. "Effects of Abusive Parenting,Caretaker Arrests, and Deviant Behavior on Dating Violence among Homeless Young Adults." Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma. Published online October 22, 2015.
DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2015.1079287
2015 Young, Lance Brendan, Kathleen M., Grant and Kimberly A. Tyler. "Community-Level Barriers to Recovery for Substance Dependent Rural Residents." Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 15:307-326. Published Online: July15, 2015. DOI:10.1080/1533256X.2015.1056058
2015 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Lisa A. Melander. "Child Abuse, Street Victimization, and Substance Use among Homeless Young Adults." Youth & Society 47:502-19.
2015 Schmitz, Rachel M., and Kimberly A. Tyler. "Homeless Young People’s Experiences of Caregiver Rejection." Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24:2598-2609. Published Online:
Tyler,Kimberly A., Lisa A. Kort-Butler, and Alexis Swendener. "The Effect of Victimization, Mental Health, and Protective Factors on Crime and Illicit Drug Use among Homeless Young Adults."
Violence & Victims 29:348-362.
Tyler,Kimberly A. "Homeless Youths’ HIV Risk Behaviors with Strangers: Investigating the Importance of Social Networks."
Archives of Sexual Behavior 42:1583-1591.
2013 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Rachel M. Schmitz. "Family Histories and Multiple Transitions among Homeless Young Adults: Pathways to Homelessness." Children and Youth Services Review 35:1719-1726.
2013 Tyler, Kimberly A., Sarah J. Gervais, and M. Meghan Davidson. "The Relationship between Victimization and Substance Use among Homeless and Runaway Female Adolescents." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 28:474-493.
2012 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Lisa A. Melander. "Individual and Social Network Sexual Behavior Norms of Homeless Youth at High Risk for HIV Infection." Children and Youth Services Review 34:2481-2486.
2012 Tyler, Kimberly A., Sarah L. Akinyemi, and Lisa A. Kort-Butler. "Correlates of Service Utilization among Homeless Youth." Children & Youth Services Review, 34:1344-1350.
2012 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Lisa A. Melander. "Poor Parenting and Antisocial Behavior among Homeless Youth Adults: Links to Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 27:1357-1373.
2012 Kort-Butler, Lisa A., and Kimberly A. Tyler. "A Cluster Analysis of Service Utilization and Incarceration among Homeless Youth." Social Science Research 41:612-623.
2011 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Lisa A. Melander. "A Qualitative Study of the Formation and Composition of Social Networks among Homeless Youth." Journal of Research on Adolescence 21(4): 802-817.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2011.00739.x
2011 Kort-Butler, Lisa, Kimberly A. Tyler, and Lisa A. Melander. "Childhood Maltreatment, Parental Monitoring, and Self-Control among Homeless Young Adults: Consequences for Negative Social Outcomes." Criminal Justice and Behavior 38:1244-1264.
2011 Brownridge, Douglas A., Tamara Taillieu, Kimberly A. Tyler, Agnes Tiwari, Ko Ling Chan, and Susy C. Santos. "Pregnancy and Intimate Partner Violence: Risk Factors, Severity, and Health Effects." Violence Against Women 17:858-881.
2011 Tyler, Kimberly A., Douglas A. Brownridge, and Lisa A. Melander. "The Effect of Poor Parenting on Male and Female Dating Violence Perpetration and Victimization." Violence & Victims 26:218-230.
2011 Tyler, Kimberly A., Kellie J. Hagewen, and Lisa A. Melander. "Risk Factors for Running Away among a General Population Sample of Males and Females." Youth & Society 43:583-608.
2010 Tyler, Kimberly A., and Lisa A. Melander. "Foster Care Placement, Poor Parenting, and Negative Outcomes among Homeless Young Adults." Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19(6):787-794.
2010 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Lisa A. Melander. "The Effect of Drug and Sexual Risk Behaviors with Social Network and Non-Network Members on Homeless Youth’s STI and HIV Testing." Sexual Health, 7:434-440.
2010 Melander, Lisa A., and Kimberly A. Tyler. "The Effect of Early Maltreatment, Victimization, and Partner Violence on HIV Risk among Homeless Young Adults." Journal of Adolescent Health, 47:575-581. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1131&context=sociologyfacpub
2010 Melander, Lisa A., HarmoniJoie Noel, and Kimberly A. Tyler. "Bidirectional, Unidirectional and Nonviolence: A Comparison of the Predictors Among Partnered Young Adults." Violence and Victims, 25(5):617-630.
2010 Lee, Barrett A., Kimberly A. Tyler, and James D. Wright. "The New Homeless Revisited." Annual Review of Sociology, 36:501-521.
2010 Tyler, Kimberly A., Katherine A. Johnson, and Lisa A. Melander. "A Comparison of Homeless and High-Risk Young Adults: Are They One and the Same?" Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies Journal, 5(2):122-129.
2010 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Morgan R. Beal. "The High-Risk Environment of Homeless Young Adults: Consequences for Physical and Sexual Victimization." Violence and Victims, 25(1): 101-115. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1095&context=sociologyfacpub
2010 Tyler, Kimberly A., Lisa A. Melander, and Elbert P. Almazan. "Self Injurious Behavior among Homeless Young Adults: A Social Stress Analysis." Social Science and Medicine, 70:269-276.
2009 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Lisa A. Melander. "Discrepancies in Reporting of Physical and Sexual Abuse Among Homeless Youth." Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 18(5):513-531.
2009 Tyler, Kimberly A., Lisa A. Melander, and HarmoniJoie Noel. "Bidirectional Partner Violence Among Homeless Young Adults: Risk Factors and Outcomes." Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 24(6):1014-1035.
2009 Tyler, Kimberly A. "Risk Factors for Trading Sex Among Homeless Young Adults." Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(2): 290-297.
2008 Tyler, Kimberly A. "A Comparison of Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Homeless Young Adults." Violence and Victims, 23(5): 586-602.
2008 Brownridge, Douglas A., Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Janice Ristock, Edward K.L. Chan, Agnes Tiwari Kimberly A. Tyler, and Susy Santos. "Violence Against Separated, Divorced and Married Women in Canada, 2004." Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 49(3/4): 308-329.
2008 Tyler, Kimberly A. "Social Network Characteristics and Risky Sexual and Drug Related Behaviors Among Homeless Young Adults." Social Science Research, 37(2): 673-685.
2008 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Bianca E. Bersani. "A Longitudinal Study of Precursors to Running Away in Early Adolescence." Journal of Early Adolescence, 28(2): 230-251.
2008Tyler, Kimberly A., Katherine A. Johnson, and Douglas A. Brownridge. "A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Child Maltreatment on Later Outcomes Among High-Risk Adolescents." Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37(5): 506-521.
2007 Tyler, Kimberly A., Rosalie Torres Stone, and Bianca Bersani. "Examining the Changing
Influence of Predictors on Adolescent Alcohol Misuse." Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 16(2): 95-114.
2007 Tyler, Kimberly A., Les B. Whitbeck, Xiaojin Chen, and Kurt Johnson. "Sexual Health of Homeless Youth: Prevalence and Correlates of Sexually Transmissible Infections." Sexual Health Journal, 4(1): 57-61.
2007 Johnson, Katherine A. and Kimberly A. Tyler. "Predicting Sexual Onset: Three Generations of Influence." Journal of Youth and Adolescence,36(7):939-949.
2006 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Katherine A. Johnson. "Trading Sex: Voluntary or Coerced? The Experiences of Homeless Youth." Journal of Sex Research 43(3): 208-216.
2006 Tyler, Kimberly A. "A Qualitative Study of Early Family Histories and Transitions of Homeless Youth." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 21(10): 1385-1393.
2006 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Katherine A. Johnson. "A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Early Abuse on Later Victimization among High-Risk Adolescents." Violence and Victims 21(3): 287-306.
2006 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Katherine A. Johnson. "Pathways In and Out of Substance Use among Homeless Emerging Adults." Journal of Adolescent Research 21(3):133-157.
2006 Tyler, Kimberly A. "The Impact of Support Received and Support Provision on Changes in Perceived Social Support among Older Adults." International Journal of Aging and Human Development 62(1):21-38.
2005 Stimpson, Jim P., Kimberly A. Tyler, & Dan R. Hoyt. "Effects of Parental Rejection and Relationship Quality on Depression Among Older Rural Adults." International Journal of Aging and Human Development 61(3):195-210.
2005 Chapple, Connie, Kimberly A. Tyler, and Bianca Bersani. "Childhood Neglect and Adolescent Violence: Examining the Effects of Self-Control and Peer Rejection." Violence and Victims 20(1):39-53.
2004 Tyler, Kimberly A., & Katherine A. Johnson. “Victims and Offenders: Accounts of Paybacks, Invulnerability, and Financial Gain among Homeless Youth.” Deviant Behavior 25:427-449.
2004 Whitbeck, Les B., Xiaojin Chen, Dan R Hoyt, Kimberly A. Tyler, & Kurt D. Johnson. “Mental Disorder, Subsistence Strategies, and Victimization among Sexual Minority Homeless and Runaway Adolescents.” Journal of Sex Research 41(4):329-342.
2004 Cauce, Ana Mari, Kimberly A. Tyler, and Les B. Whitbeck. "Maltreatment and Victimization in Homeless Adolescents: Out of the Frying Pan and into the Fire." The Prevention Researcher 11(1):12-14.
2004 Tyler, Kimberly A., Ana Mari Cauce, and Les B. Whitbeck. "Family Risk Factors and Prevalence of Dissociative Symptoms among Homeless and Runaway Youth." Child Abuse & Neglect 28(3):355-366.
2004 Tyler, Kimberly A., Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, and Ana Mari Cauce. "Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization among Male and Female Homeless and Runaway Youth." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 19(5): 503-520.
2004 Chen, Xiaojin, Kimberly A. Tyler, Les B. Whitbeck, and Dan R. Hoyt.
"Early Sexual Abuse, Street Adversity, and Drug Use among Female Homeless and Runaway Adolescents in the Midwest." Journal of Drug Issues 34(1):1-21.
2003 Tyler, Kimberly A., Les B. Whitbeck, Dan Hoyt, and Kurt Johnson. "Self-Mutilation and Homeless Youth: The Role of Family Abuse, Street Experiences, and Mental Disorders." Journal of Research on Adolescence 13:457-474.
2003 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Les B. Whitbeck. "Lost Childhoods: Risk and Resiliency Among Runaway and Homeless Adolescents." In Intervention with Children & Adolescents: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (pp.378-397) Paula Allen-Meares and Mark Fraser. (Eds). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
2002 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Ana Mari Cauce. "Perpetrators of Early Physical and Sexual Abuse Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents." Child Abuse & Neglect 26:1261-1274.
2002 Tyler, Kimberly A. "Social and Emotional Outcomes of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Review of Recent Research." Journal of Aggression and Violent Behavior 7:567-589.
2002 McMorris, Barbara, Kimberly A. Tyler, Les B. Whitbeck, and Dan R. Hoyt. "Familial and on-the Street Risk Factors Associated with Alcohol Use Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents." Journal of Alcohol Studies 63:34-43.
2001 Tyler, Kimberly A., Dan R. Hoyt, Les B. Whitbeck, and Ana Mari Cauce. "The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Later Sexual Victimization Among Runaway Youth." Journal of Research on Adolescence 11:151-176.
2001 Tyler, Kimberly A., Dan R. Hoyt, Les B. Whitbeck, and Ana Mari Cauce. "The Effects of a High-Risk Environment on the Sexual Victimization of Homeless and Runaway Youth." Violence and Victims 16:441-455.
2001 Whitbeck, Les B., Dan R. Hoyt, and Kimberly A. Tyler. "Family Relationship Histories, Intergenerational Relationship Quality, and Depressed Affect Among Rural Elderly People." The Journal of Applied Gerontology 20:214-229.
2000 Tyler, Kimberly A., Les B. Whitbeck, Dan R. Hoyt, and Kevin A. Yoder. "Predictors of Self-Reported Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents." The Journal of Sex Research 37:369-377.
2000 Tyler, Kimberly A., Dan R. Hoyt, and Les B. Whitbeck. "The Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on Later Sexual Victimization Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents." Journal of Interpersonal Violence 15:233-248.
2001 Reprinted in The Cost of Child Maltreatment: Who Pays? We All Do. (pp. 155-166). K. Franey, R. Geffner, & R. Falconer (Eds.). San Diego, CA: Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute.
2000 Tyler, Kimberly A. and Dan R. Hoyt. "The Effects of an Acute Stressor on Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults: The Moderating Effects of Social Support and Age." Research on Aging 22:143-164.
1998 Tyler, Kimberly A., Dan R. Hoyt, and Les B. Whitbeck. "Coercive Sexual Strategies." Violence and Victims 13:47-61.